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MOTUSis a research envoronment designed the Research Group TOR of the Free University of Brussels and is used to conduct a large scale time-use surveys. I'm currently art directing the redesign of the app (Edit Sept 2020: more on that soon), but it started with a poster around Time geography:

Time geography was developed by Swedish geographer Torsten Hägerstrand. The space-time diagram reveals insights in where people go, but also much time they spend there and which interactions they have.

Image by Miyuki Meinaka / CC BY-SA 

MOTUS (Modular Online Time Use Survey) is an academic sociogical research platform that focusses on mapping out the daily conducts of people. Thanks to smartphones, participants can activily and passivly map their daily Routine.  For this they asked me to design a poster re-imagining Hägerstrand's Space-Time diagram where a small family would map their day using the passive smartphone method. 

I wanted to limit the amount of text and make a poster that would be easy to understand pure by its visuals: isometric approach where the domains would be shown als the buildings/locations they participants would go to, with the height of the buildings indicating the time spent there and the roads visualing the activity path.

Aside from focussing on the actual info, a lot of thought was put in secondary messanges. It's easy to depict a family in a cartoonesk way, but a comical approach wouldn't work as well as a more realistic depiction of today's society. Both parents have careers, they divide the tasks when raising the children but also have their own hobbies. And not every distance has to be covered with a car.